Monday, March 21, 2011

On Working Out

Today I got out of school late and then drove in somewhat of a daze to the gym. As I pulled in I thought, "Why did I drive myself here?"

Right now, for me, going to the gym is like ballet. I hated going to ballet class. Sure I like donning the pink tights and ballet slippers, but I hated getting myself up and ready for class.

Picture me in this...

But once class began and I worked on perfecting my plies, tendus, and battements, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the discipline and the structure of the class. I enjoyed the fact that I was getting a really good work out. And after class, I felt refreshed and exercised...completely smelly and disgusting, but refreshed at the same time.

So goes working out at the gym. I hate getting myself up there. Sure, I like putting on my Nike Tempo shorts, and tennis shoes, the fashion part of the workout can be fun. But I dread getting up there.

Now picture me in these (I really would like this pair!)...

Once I'm there though, I hit the treadmill, the weight machines, the stairclimber...and I start to feel a little better...

I start to feel...refreshed. Must be those endorphins going to work.

And the funny thing is...with both ballet and working out, you're supposed to achieve an amazing physique.

So here's hoping after a little more dedication (ok, a lot more), and a lot more work, I'll end up a little more toned.

Perhaps like this...

or this...

But definitely not this...
(Ok, I was totally gonna post a picture of a woman bodybuilder, but it grossed me out, so I couldn't post it.)

Do you have something you initially dread, but end up enjoying??

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