Sunday, July 26, 2009


Funny thing, change. Sometimes it happens so subtly, you don't even notice. Like the way I subtly gained twenty pounds since I graduated high school, or how the tone of my skin has ever so slowly gotten a smidgen darker each time I step into the sun. Then there are other kinds of change. The ones that happen so quickly, you don't have much time to react. Like the birth of a child, in one day your life has changed forever. Or a car accident that totals your car. In a split second, everything changed. Now you need a new car, your plans for that little bit of savings you had have gone completely out the window.

But I think the kind of change I dislike the most, is the one that happens slowly before your eyes, but you can't do anything to stop it. Like how you begin to hang out with a friend less and less, until you aren't really friends anymore. Or how you are slowly worked out of the loop because you don't exactly fit in with the group anymore. Your career is different maybe, or you aren't in a serious relationship the way they are. That's the kind of change I don't really like.

I only am writing this because I am anticipating a lot of change in the next year. It's funny how lately it seems my life works in groupings of two to three years. And then, transition. For example, I went to a junior college to dance for two years. So for two years, I knew exactly what I was doing, I had it all down to an art. Then came time to transition to a university. As I worked to complete the next three years of college (yeah, I took the Victory Lap), I knew more or less what each year held. My schedule was similar, I was involved in an organization, I danced, I just was in a great routine.

Then came graduation...after graduation I hit a year of limbo. I didn't have a full time job and I wondered if I would ever get one. I had planned to live out my dream job, but had to settle for what I could get. Finally, after a year of transition, I got a full time job. I'm now going into my third year there. But somehow this year feels like a transitional year. I feel like there are big changes coming. I know they will come in one of the three ways. Some will happen slowly without my knowledge, some will happen the blink of an eye, and then there will be those that I can see happening right in front of me, but can't seem to stop.

It's an interesting's hoping it's all for the better!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So you may not know, but this blog really originated with one that I began back in 2005, back in the days when I was young and carefree (sigh). Since I don't really feel like copying and pasting, here is the address to my old blog. You too can read and reminisce about the good old days. The days when I probably had a little more creativity and humor in my life...

Note that the address is extremely similar to this one, yet different...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

She's Got Skills...

While I have always professed my ineptness in the art of flirting and such, I recently had the chance to show my good friend exactly how terrible I am at the whole thing. We were out shopping, just looking around when we walked into a very nice jewelry store. I was dreaming of diamonds and they were having a sale, so I thought I'd take a look. As I gazed longingly at the scintillating diamond earrings, the salesman walked up. Only he was a younger guy, obviously near our age, tall, darker hair, and eager to please it seemed.

He showed off a few of the earrings to me, going for his sale, but clearly attempting to flirt with us. He asked where we went to school, assuming we were still in school. I think he was somewhat surprised to learn that we had already graduated and had full time jobs. The earrings, alas, were not in my price range, so I sighed a goodbye to them and went about browsing other items in the store.
"You can just get your boyfriend to buy them for you," he said.
And with that one remark, my friend said, "She doesn't have one, we're looking though!"

Oh. my. gosh. Are you kidding me?!? I can't believe she just told him that. I tried to pretend I was looking away at some fabulous jewels as my face flushed red. I kind of wanted to crawl into a hole, just a bit. I wasn't sure what to say and with each question he had to start a conversation, I just had one word answers to reply. I wasn't exactly interested in this guy, so maybe that's why I couldn't flirt back. But also, I just didn't have anything to say. I couldn't think of any questions, there wasn't anything there!

When we left the store, my friend looked at me like I was crazy. "Hannah! He was totally hitting on you! Why didn't you flirt back?!" Um. Yeah. So here it is.

Dear Friends,
I have absolutely NO skill in the art of flirting. I'm not exaggerating. I'm not lying (I wish I was). And I'm not kidding. While I try to pass it off as endearing, I realize that in actuality it's not endearing, it's just. plain. sad.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Fourth

If we were talking favorite holidays, I'd have to say that hands down, Christmas is my favorite. But next to Christmas, I'd have to pick July 4th.

I love July 4th!! I love cooking out, hitting up the pool or lake, and then enjoying some fireworks. Of course, as posted earlier, I love fireworks.

So happy birthday America!! I am happy to celebrate our independence and pray that our freedoms will live on! Here is a picture of my festive outfit, July 4, 2008 (note the USA chair, American flag, red and white striped top with navy shorts...oh yeah! lookin' good!). I can only hope that this year's outfit will be just as festive!!

Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!