Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Did you ever write out a whole blog post and then decide it's crap? I think I do this about three times per blog post..or however you would say that. I had a recent run in with a lizard in my apartment, and my friend told me that I should write a story about a girl who is afraid of lizards and what not...so I did. I wrote a blog post about my lizard story. Crap. It was crap. Not that this is much better. I guess I just keep waiting on my story. I don't know what it will be yet, but I want so desperately to find it and begin on it. Sometimes I think the story could be me. But what's exciting about a single mid-twenties girl who has a fairly uneventful social life and zero romantic life?? Not much, I would think. So I'll keep posting and eventually, hopefully, I will find my story. And then, I will get published!! And then, I will have book signings in wonderful places like New York and London!! And I'll get to stay in fancy hotels and order ridiculously overpriced room service!! And then I'll finally have the money to buy that yacht I always wanted! And there I'll be on my yacht in the Mediterranean waving to Beyonce and Jay Z in the yacht next door...ahh...the life!!

...I'm SUCH a dreamer!